Job Shadowing Reflection

1.) I learned that I couldve spoke louder and make eye contact with the audience. I also learned that I shouldve made the slide where people can see the words.

2.) I think I did ok I didn’t do the best I think I couldve put more effort into it.  My slide where good there were just sertain slide that where dark so people couldn’t see them.

3.)  I feel like I could make more eye contact with the audience my next presentation. I also feel like I could talk louder so they can here me.

4.) I could have focused more instead of talking to others around me. I wouldve done better if i was shy to speak infront of the class.

5.) I wish that I wouldve done better to get a better grade. If i could present my presentation again I wouldn’t be goofing around with the people around me. Now that I have reflected on my presentation, I feel more confidence that I’ll do better next time.